Tech or construction sectors.
This ensures that the results you receive are accurate, GDPR compliant and reliable.
There are some posts where a higher level assurance is needed than DV. It can
Cases where a risk specific has been identified.
Contact for any screening requirements.
The following personnel security controls are applicable to all persons who:
BPSS is a service that offers a hassle-free, quality-assured experience.
BPSS, or the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), is a required standard.
Financial Services: Employees in the financial sector, especially those in positions affecting the operational integrity of financial systems or with access to sensitive financial data, may undergo BPSS checks.
Some individuals may have access to sensitive information.
government departments. BPSS screening is a very common type of screening.
BPSS Clearance Certificates are required for all.
If you are looking to get government work or contracts, it is important that you provide a minimum level.
For a very few, Enhanced Developed vetting is needed.
Level of screening for anyone working on behalf or with a
In addition, anyone who applies for NSV must also meet this requirement
It is seen to be a procedure that helps protect national safety so
Six months or longer in the last three years.
Basic BPSS searches with additional searches including references and medical